Artesha Moore, FASAE, CAE
President & CEO
Artesha Moore, FASAE, CAE is the President and CEO of Association Forum. Association Forum is the “association of associations” in Chicago. Founded in 1916, it has nearly 4,000 members. These members represent more than 44,000 association professionals from nearly 1,600 Chicago associations. These organizations serve 27 million individual members, have 9 million donors, and generate $10.3 billion annually in economic impact. Moore is an active contributor and strategist within the association management community with more than 20 years of professional leadership experience.
Throughout her career, she has helped associations set and exceed aggressive membership and volunteer engagement goals while integrating new technology solutions and strategies. She has had the opportunity to work with organizations that serve a variety of industries including healthcare, engineering, and scientific research institutions. For more than 20 years, she has worked tirelessly to create lasting structures that help identify volunteers and staff whose voices and ideas were not being heard and provide them with opportunities to lead. She has a knack for fixing uncommon problems by working from the inside of the problem out while empowering everyone around her.
Artesha holds a Bachelor’s of Business Administration and Management degree from the University of Maryland- Global Campus. She has been a member of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) since 2001. She is a Certified Association Executive (CAE). She was inducted into ASAE’s Diversity Executive Leadership Program (DELP) in 2010. She was named as one of Association Trends magazine’s Young and Aspiring Association Professionals in 2012. In 2021, she was selected as one of the 2021 ASAE class of Fellows. She has served on several ASAE committees and task forces. She is currently a member of ASAE’s Foresight Works Advisory Group. She has also served as faculty for the US Chamber of Commerce Institute for Organization Management where she developed a course to teach the new DEI curriculum. More importantly, she spends time mentoring the next generation of leaders by pushing them to find their own solutions to common and uncommon problems.
- Her favorite hobby: cooking.
- Her Oscar walkout song: Public Service Announcement by Jay-Z.
- Her superhero power: whatever Dr. Jean Grey has.
- Most people would be surprised to know that…she loves black and white classic movies, especially 1940s film noir.